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My Story

For the larger part of my life I have grappled with depression, anxiety and disordered eating. I somehow had a feeling that life I was not meant to live that way. That there had to be more for me. And so I embarked on a spiritual quest, searching high and low through many modalities, religions, teachers... 


I have immersed in a number of teachings that have changed my life for the better, each one leading me to the next..


- Shelia Kelly S Factor, for 10 years

- OneTaste, Orgasm Mastery program graduate and dedicated Orgasmic Practitioner for nearly 10 years

- Studied with Om Rupani, Tantra/BDSM Master, for nearly 10 years

- Mama Gena School of the Womanly arts graduate(x2!)

- Holistic Dance training  for 2 years with Zola Dubnikova

- One year coaching program and mentorship with Londin Angel Winters, diving deep into polarity and their body of work called the Yoga of Intimacy

- Avid Hot Yoga enthusiast for the past 8 years

- Al Anon 12 step Fellow: 2 years

- ISTA Level 1 Graduate

- ISTA Level 2 Graduate 

- VITA Love, Sex and Relationship Coach in training 


Through years of study, and fully immersing into the soup of life, I have come to find that my Peace is whats most important to me. A happy, smooth, lit up from within, intuitive knowing that I am divinely guided and cared for. 


I am a forever humble student of life, here to guide with what I know and to channel the infinite, unconditional love that is always available to us at ALL TIMES!


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